HR: How long have you been modeling?
DM: I have only been modeling since May 2009 when I got hired as a Playboy Model.
HR: How did you get your first break?
DM: I got a position as a model with playboy because I had entered myself into a Playboy Casting Call back in March 2009. I went in with experience in modeling and with a positive attitude
HR: What is the best/worst part about being a model?
DM: I haven't had much experience with modeling, so far I like the ability to design my own scenes for a shoot and also the opportunity to do my own hair and make up, as well as meeting people and having fun on set.
HR: What was it like the first time you posed for Playboy?
DM: My first time shooting with Playboy was full of excitement and very comfortable. Everything was organized and the employees were very out going
HR: What did your parents think when you told them you were posing for Playboy?
DM: When my parents had first found out that I had posed for playboy, they were quite shocked and a little upset. First of all, I hadn't told them I was going to the casting call. Secondly, I just never mentioned the fact about Playboy at all. Therefore, my consequence of them finding out was quite entertaining. They found my pictures on file through my Aunts computer and had called me with the results of their actions. Overall, my parents got over their worries of my exposure in Playboy and now support my modeling. We will see how much more they support my modeling when my work has been published.

HR: Do you consider yourself high maintenance?
DM: Putting myself in a high maintenance category is definitely acceptable. I do consider myself a perfectionist when it comes to most things that I do. Especially times when I expose myself in public or when it comes to my personal things at home. I keep my things looking fresh and organized. I am also very outgoing, I don't mind walking out side or going out to places in comfortable sweats and tennies.
HR: What do you like to do in your spare time?
DM: When I am not working my jobs, shooting in a photoshoot or working an event; I love to watch movies, relax with my friends and family. Most of my free time goes to doing extreme activities like rock climbing, motocross events, car shows, 4-wheeling with friends, road trips etc.
HR: If you had never become a model where do you see yourself now?
DM: If I hadn't started to model, I believe right now I would be still working all my jobs like normal and working more in the studio with music.
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