Marie Kim

Raised in a small town in the Czech Republic, her grandmother and mother made the trek to the States five years ago in search of new opportunities. And in that short amount of time, the Vietnamese, Czech, and German Ms. Kim seized every capitalistic moment, learning English on a fluent level, earning a scholarship to a college in Manhattan, posing in front of a camera or two dozen, and accidentally picking the modeling surname of a Korean. Hey, not everyone's perfect. At least she has more stones than a pair of Angelinos used to life at lower altitudes. And why would Marie be afraid of heights? A statuesque 5' 10", and living the American Dream, all she's done is kept climbing. A rising star, for now, we'll keep her a few feet lower than she's used to.
Your last name's Kim, the Korean equivalent of "Smith", is that your nationality?
No, actually my Vietnamese name is Kim Anh so I figured I'd combine it with my Czech name, Marie, for modeling. I didn't know that it was the Korean "Smith" till I already started going by it. [laughter]
Vietnamese and Czech, how did that combo come about?
My mum actually moved from Vietnam to the Czech Republic and met my dad. The rest was history.
Where in the Czech Republic are you from?
Usti nad Labem! And I wouldn't trade my experiences growing up there for anything. It made me who I am now.

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That's a mouthful. Is that some sort of a village?
[laughs] It's a city! The ninth largest. Since you work with models, I should have you know that it's famous for having some of the hottest girls on the planet.
Who are some hot Usti nad Labemians?
There are actually a few but the most famous is Karolina Kurkova, the Victoria's Secret model. Hopefully one day I'll get to work with her!
When did you emigrate from the Czech Republic?
A little over five years ago. My family and I moved to Stony Brook, Long Island in New York.

My kind of peeps. And now you're in Manhattan-did you move to the city to pursue modeling?
Actually, I moved to Manhattan to make my grandmother proud and make something of myself. I finished high school in Long Island, and after I graduated, I received a scholarship to attend New York Institute of Technology for architecture.
Architect? Wowsers! So can you design?
Yes! I'm pretty good at it, too. My designs take cues from Italian and modern styles.
So, uh, when it comes to, um, "buildings", do you prefer short and girthy or tall and thin?
Tall and thin. But they have to be interesting. [laughs]
East Coast/West Coast beef: Golden Gate or Brooklyn Bridge?
Brooklyn Bridge, baby. No other bridge in the world looks as gangsta!
Have a favorite New York moment?
The city is so alive at all hours and there are so many great moments, small and large. I can't think of just one.
What about restaurant?
I love sushi, so it would have to be Nobu.
When it comes to men, what do you look for?
All a guy needs to be is funny. If you can make me laugh till my cheeks hurt, you'll win my heart. That, and you have to be non-hairy!
How about a furry dude with access to industrial-grade shavers?
[laughs] No, not even that. His hair will just grow back.
In L.A., we have fusion Taco Bell/KFC in one restaurant.
Really? That's hot. Fire-sauce-drenched-Mexican-Pizza hot. Besides architecture, have any other skills?
I love to swim. I have a lifeguard certification, including CPR and first aid. So you're like the Czech-Vietnamese Pamela Anderson. Only taller . . . and hotter! David Hasselhoff or Michael Phelps?
Michael Phelps without a doubt. He's the real deal. And with his herbal proclivity, would be totally down for the KFC/Taco Bell thing. Ever rescue anyone?
I was at school when a classmate fainted in the halls. Everyone freaked out but I was able to help her . . .
Unfortunately, for you, your readers, and my classmates, no. [laughs] Have you ever given another girl mouth-to-mouth?
Are you asking whether I gave mouth-to-mouth or I got freaky with another girl? Is this a trick question? [laughs] Take your pick.
Well, it was my girlfriend's birthday a few years back and eight of us girls . . . Eight girls? I like where this is going. [laughter]
So we went to a club in the city to celebrate, but it got boring after a while so we hopped in a limo and took off to Long Beach [Long Island, NY]. When we got to the beach, we all took off our clothes and started playing in the water. Butt-ass naked?
No! We still had our bottoms on. When did the CPR happen?
Afterwards, in the limo, we were all wet and cold . . . let's just say we warmed each other up. You should type up that story and submit it to Penthouse. You'd totally win a prize. Any other girls you would play tongue twister with?
Adriana Lima. She has the juiciest lips on the planet. How about a fellow Prestigious Model?
No way! They're like my sisters. Which would make it even hotter. [laughter] On the subject of PM Models, how did modeling come about?
It was really random. My friend asked me to come to a PM Models casting with her for support but I ended up getting picked. Have you been to a lot of car shows?
I've modeled at a bunch of HIN events and a bunch of other car shows. I was also at the New Jersey round of Formula D last year. Are you into tuned cars?
Yes! There's just something about them that's so hot! What's the first thing that draws your attention?
The sound and the speed! The faster and scarier a guy can drive the more I get turned on! So when you're not modeling, what do you like to do?
I love hanging out with my close friends. Party or chill, it doesn't matter. I'm pretty easy going and have fun no matter what I'm doing! I spend most time with my puppy, Baby Bear-she's the love of my life! She's a diva and she got it from her mamma! [laughs] Marie Kim
Height: 5'10" Measurements: 32D-24-35 Ethnicity: Czechoslovakian-Vietnamese-German Birthday: January 1st Sign: Aquarius Hometown: Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic
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